Livro "Sneaker freaker. world's greatest sneaker collectors"
  R$ 493,91
7 dias para devolução
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  R$ 493,91
7 dias para devolução
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  R$ 493,91
- Simon Woody Wood, founder and editor -in -chief of Sneaker Freaker magazine, has spent the last two decades analyzing the global cult of footwear fanatics;
- That experience directly inspired Worlds Greatest Sneaker Collectors, a stonking 752 -page journey into the priceless stockpiles and obsessive minds of prominent aficionados;
-From Tokyo to New York, via London, Philadelphia, Melbourne, and Stjørdal, no crumbled midsole is left unturned as over 2,500 vintage classics, unique athlete SMUs, unobtainable samples, handmade 1 -of -1 prototypes, stratospherically priced colabs, and Player Exclusives and game -worn Jordans with multi -million -dollar price tags are lauded with gusto;
- The endless quest for Holy Grails is both blessing and curse as our collectors fiend, scheme, and dream of the one shoe they dont yet own!Glossy portraits are augmented with a series of informative How -to guides stuffed with pro tips on sneaker photography, storage, insurance, cleaning, and avoiding the counterfeit curse;
- The expertise is priceless;
- The stories will entertain for days as we seek out the fundamentals of what it means, and takes, to define yourself as a true collector;
- Tipo de Encadernação: Capa Dura;
- Número de Páginas: 752.
Limpe somente com flanela seca sem nenhum produto químico. Não molhar.
Informações de Entrega
R$ 303,91 no pix
R$ 202,26 no pix
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R$ 149,90
R$ 265,91 no pix
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R$ 79,90
R$ 79,90
R$ 72,90
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