Livro "Mick Rock. the rise of David Bowie. 19721973"
  R$ 189,90
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  R$ 189,90
ou R$ 189,90 no Cartão de Crédito
7 dias para devolução
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  R$ 189,90
ou R$ 189,90 no Cartão de Crédito
- A unique tribute from David Bowies official photographer and creative partner, Mick Rock, compiled in 2015, with Bowies blessing;
-In 1972, David Bowie released his groundbreaking album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars;
- With it landed Bowies Stardust alter ego: a glitter -clad, mascara -eyed, sexually ambiguous persona who kicked down the boundaries between male and female, straight and gay, fact and fiction into one shifting and sparkling phenomenon of 70s self -expression;
- Together, Ziggy the album and Ziggy the stage spectacular propelled the softly spoken Londoner into one of the worlds biggest stars;
-A key passenger on this glam trip into the stratosphere was fellow Londoner and photographer Mick Rock;
- Rock bonded with Bowie artistically and personally, immersed himself in the singers inner circle, and, between 1972 and 1973, worked as the singers photographer and videographer;
-This collection brings together spectacular stage shots, iconic photo shoots, as well as intimate backstage portraits;
- It celebrates Bowies fearless experimentation and reinvention, while offering privileged access to the many facets of his personality and fame;
- Through the aloof and approachable, the playful and serious, the candid and the contrived, the result is a passionate tribute to a brilliant and inspirational artist whose creative vision will never be forgotten;
- Tipo de Encadernação: Capa Dura;
- Número de Páginas: 192.
Limpe somente com flanela seca sem nenhum produto químico. Não molhar.
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